Dubbed "Los Angeles without the Pacific Ocean," Phoenix combines high-end shopping, thriving restaurants, and resort life in the Sonoran desert. Instead of golden beaches and palm trees, we met bright red mountains and boulevards overgrown with cacti. It's a good thing that we rented an 8-seater car here, because it would be difficult and long to walk.
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Make sure you download Phantom Extension from reputable app stores or from the developers’ own websites, as there are malicious individuals out there who can set up copies of these files and steal your valuables.
Choose your browser and go to the Phantom Wallet download page. Phantom supports popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Brave.
Then, install Phantom Wallet by following the instructions in the relevant extension store for your browser. Phantom will launch in a new tab in your browser following installation.
You should now select the “Create New Wallet” button. In order to access the wallet app on this browser and device, you will be prompted to set a strong password.
If necessary, you can keep this password in a password manager, however, as with other passwords, it’s preferable to choose a strong, easy-to-remember password and to update it on a regular basis.
After entering your password, select “Continue.”
You will then receive your “Secret Recovery Phrase” from Phantom Wallet. This is sometimes referred to as a seed word, and it functions similarly to your car keys in that anyone with it may load money into Phantom or another wallet and access — and spend — your money!
Phantom Wallet Extension | Phantom Wallet Extension